“Tumaz Yoga Stretch Strap – Thick Comfortable Non-Elastic with 10 Loops, 80-inch Yoga Accent in Blue” đã được thêm vào giỏ hàng. Xem giỏ hàng

Athletic Works Multi-Grip Restoration Stretch Strap

10 $

Athletic Works Recovery Stretch Strap with Multiple Hand Holds

The Athletic Works Recovery Stretch Strap is an 8ft long tool designed to enhance flexibility, mobility, and range of motion.

Key Features:

  • Length: 39-inch strap for effective stretching
  • Flexibility Improvement: Aids in improving overall flexibility and mobility
  • Multiple Hand Holds: Offers various hand grips for progressive stretching
  • Deep Stretching: Facilitates gradual stretching of major muscle groups
  • Partner-Free Stretching: Delivers benefits of partner-assisted stretching without needing a partner
  • Measurement Tool: Hand holds can also be used to measure flexibility and track progress
  • Portability: Lightweight and easy to carry, making it convenient for on-the-go use

This stretch strap is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their stretching routine and track their improvements effectively.

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